Monday, April 8, 2019

Beginning Our RV Adventure

This is what happens when you let your husband choose his own birthday present!!!  (Thank you George and Holly for your help in this huge RV purchasing project)!!

This has been a dream of ours for awhile now and we were blessed to find "The Bus" (which is what we are calling it right now).   Please, name suggestions are welcome!

Here is how our adventure started:  We flew to Tennessee to pick up the RV.   Wow!  It is so big!  Here is Jeff in a bit of shell shock within minutes of seeing the RV in person for the first time!

Thanks to Greg for giving us such a great walk through and explaining things to us.  Our brains were overloaded with great information!

Now it is ours and we have to get it home!  Nothing like being thrown into the deep end to learn to swim.    We drove just a bit down the road to a huge parking lot to get a few necessary supplies.  (toilet paper, M & Ms, you know the important stuff).
And Jeff made sure his first parking job would meet PopPop's approval!!!  Way to go - straight and centered!!

Jeff managed FANTASTICALLY!  And he loves driving it!  We wanted a short drive for the first night and so we drove 3 hours away to get help from the experts - my folks.  And there the real inspections and tinkering could begin!

You know it is tall when Jeff has to stand on a ladder to reach the wipers!

You have to put an extension on the bottom of the roof ladder just to be able to reach the bottom rung! 

 Now to take the beast home.  Going 750 miles over the mountains to Florida!

Love RedBuds!

Huge windows!

Beautiful setting for our first night camping - Sweetwater Lake Campground

All set up and ready to camp!

Jeff ready to eat.

All closed up and ready to roll.

Second night camping north of Jacksonville.

Home Sweet Home!

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